AWS IAM - Indentity and Access Management
IAM is a region agnostic service since it manages groups, users, roles and policies regardless of their zones. When you are in the IAM dashboard you'll notice a "IAM users sign-in link" label and next to it a link that seems a bit random, this link is the specific sign-in link for you account and the number in the link is your account number, for branding or to make it easier to remember you can change the display number to something easier to remember by clicking the "Customize" link, for example, here I changed the text to moresoft : What are IAM roles? IAM roles are a secure way to grant permissions to entities that you trust. these could be users in another account, an application running in an EC2 instance, an AWS service, users from a corporate directory, etc. IAM roles issue keys that are valid for short durations, making them a secure way to grant access. An IAM role is an identity that defines a set of permissions for making AWS service reques...